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Below you will find information about the all the many services, study groups, retreats, and dances that Murshida Tasnim and the Church of All will be offering throughout the year.
Universal Worship Services & Sufi Study Groups


The Universal Worship

was established as the religious activity of The Inayati Order and seeks to exemplify the underlying unity of all religious ideals. At one altar we read from the Holy Book of each religion presented on the altar.


Rev. Fernandez offers in-depth training and ordination of ministers. Please contact her for details.


Every other Thursday night at the Church of All we offer an in-depth study of the works of Pir o Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan. Call for current week schedule

Retreats & Events

Murshida Tasnim offers many specialized retreats and gatherings at the Church of All in Burbank Ca. and all across the United States and South America. 


She has Mureeds from all over the World and continues open dialouge with many of them wherever they may be. 


Past retreats such as the all woman's weekends, healing with sound intensives, and Cherag training sessions are just a few of the many offerings available from Tasnim.


If interested in attending an upcoming retreat or to inquire about booking a retreat with Tasnim please contact us.



Dances of Universal Peace​

The Dances of Universal Peace and Walking Concentrations are spiritual practice in motion. Drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry of the many spiritual traditions of the earth, the Dances blend chant, live music and evocative movement into a living experience of unity, peace and integration.


This taste of our true nature - as Universal Peace - opens to the possibility of a deep spiritual revolution within the person.


Tasnim is a senior leader and instructor of the Dances and offers several dances and trainings throughout the year.  To inquire about the dances contact us

© 2022 Church of All. 

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