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The 'Church of All and of All Churches', was named by Indian Sufi Master and mystic, Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, Who brought the message of Sufism "to the West" in 1910.


We are inclusive and we respect all religions and paths to The Beloved. We welcome all sincere seekers to inquire.

Services & Activities


Universal Worship Services are offered throughout the year, as announced, and are held at the Zawiya Sufi Center (a private residence) in Burbank, CA


Rev. Tasnim Hermila Fernadez also perfoms marriage ceremonies and offers minister trainings.



The Universal Worship


As a religious activity of the Inayati Order, the Universal Worship Service seeks to exemplify the underlying unity of all religious ideals. At one altar we read from the Holy Book of each religion presented on the altar. We light candles symbolically representing the wisdom brought to the world by each religion. One by one, the candles literally increase the light and figuratively bring the light of the only Wisdom, Truth, Love, Beauty, etc. to those attending. We have arrived at a new level of understanding and the message of unity is ringing loudly in many places and in many hearts. The dogmatic limitations that sufficed for former times are no longer satisfactory for those people whose hearts and minds are now embracing a more inclusive and expansive realization of Unity.

Murshida Tasnim with her guide Pir Vilayat

"Sufism is based on experience, not on premises" - (Imam al-Ghazzali)

The Esoteric School


Admission into the esoteric school - The Inayati Order - involves taking initiation at the hand of a recognized and authorized Sufi teacher. One travels the path of Sufism with their guide and at the same time, one is supported on the journey by being aligned with all the masters in the lineage of the Order. By taking initiation (bayat), one is 'linked' with the chain of transmission - The Shajara. Personal guidance is given to the disciple (mureed) and involves participation in particular spiritual practices that are prescribed by the teacher.


One understands that it is necessary to have exposure to and affinity with the school and the teacher before one can make a commitment and take the step of asking for initiation. Therefore, we welcome sincere seekers to come and spend some time with us. It will become clear, through experience, whether this is the 'home' one is seeking.


Ultimately, God is the teacher and the 'home' we seek. Whether one's search is for 'self-realization' or 'God-realization', they are mirrors of each other.

Latest News


Wednesday June 21st

Rev.Fernandez will present a lecture in Edinburgh, Scotland.


June 24 - July1

Murshida Tasnim is the guest teacher at the 15th Annual Sufi Ruhaniat International Summer School held near Hamburg, Germany.



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Retreats & Events

For a list of upcoming and past retreats and events with Tasnim CLICK HERE!

Our Ibn al-'Arabi study group at Church of All in Burbank, CA with hosts Tasnim Hermila Fernandez and Tony Boyd, is currently on hiatus with hopes to resume soon.


We've been reading a very good recent translation of the chapter on Seth from the Fusus Al-Hikam (Wisdom of the Prophets). Facilitator, Tony Boyd, is associated with the Beshara School (U.K.) and the Ibn al-'Arabi Society.



© 2022 Church of All. 

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